On the Pacific coast the rains are periodical, occurring mainly in winter and spring, and S. of lat. 48° corresponds to a like temperature on the Atlantic coast in lat. The northeastern states are subject to chill winds from the Atlantic (and at factors along the coast to fogs), particularly in the spring months; and the ice fields of British North America are the cradle of chilly blasts which, having no mountain barrier to beat, sweep over the northern states upon every appreciable rise in the temperature further south. The western or Rocky mountain area is the good supply of the treasured metals, the deposits of which, as has been noticed, may be described in a basic manner as organized in parallel zones coinciding with the mountain belts. The cholera has generally been more fatal in the valley of the Mississippi than in any other part of the country.-The soil presents almost each variety, from the dry sterile plains in the area of the nice Salt lake to the rich alluviums of the Mississippi valley.
41.° Rain is plentiful over the higher a part of the republic, and fairly equally distributed all year long. 3. The Mississippi valley occupies greater than two fifths of the world of the republic, and extends from the Allegheny to the Rocky mountains, and from the gulf of Mexico to British North America, thus including parts of recent York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Dakota, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Minnesota, and all of Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, Indian territory, Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, and Kansas. The typical annual precipitation of rain and melted snow on the Atlantic coast and on the gulf as far W. as the Sabine river varies from 36 to 60 inches, being usually from forty to 50 inches; in the larger part of Texas and within the Mississippi valley it’s from 24 to 50 inches, diminishing towards the north and west.
Upon the broad space of crystalline rocks, which reproduce on a grand scale the characteristics of the Appalachian belt, are discovered all of the members of the palæozoic sequence, overlaid for essentially the most part by older mesozoic rocks and by an ideal thickness of cretaceous and tertiary strata, through which every one of the three great divisions of the latter is well represented. These strata have been disturbed by great faults, penetrated and overflowed by vast volumes of eruptive rocks, and subjected to erosion on a grand scale. But instruction on consent usually consists of educating that folks can agree to have intercourse, whereas proponents of refusal expertise say that method ends up telling teenagers how you can “negotiate” for sex. 6. The good inland basin of Utah, which besides Utah consists of Nevada and elements of California, Oregon, and Idaho, is probably probably the most desolate portion of the United States, though in components the soil with irrigation yields good crops, and grazing may be more extensively pursued. 2. The Atlantic slope consists of all New England besides part of Vermont; all of latest Jersey, Delaware, the District of Columbia, South Carolina, and Florida; and portions of new York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi.
Further to the west we attain the Cincinnati axis, which is traced from Lake Ontario to N. Alabama, and brings up on a gentle anticlinal the upper Cambrian beds, recognized in this area as the Cincinnati group, from Cincinnati with some interruptions to Nashville, Tenn. To the east of this nice dividing line extends the Appalachian coal subject from Alabama by E. Tennessee, Kentucky, and Ohio, together with West Virginia and the W. half of Pennsylvania; while to the west of it are three different palæozoic coal fields, that of Michigan, that of Illinois, including components of Indiana and western Kentucky, and that west of the Mississippi, extending from Iowa, by way of Missouri, Kansas, and Arkansas, into Texas. Further southward it sinks beneath the coal formation of Alabama. It kinds the Shawangunk mountains of S. E. New York and the Kittatinny mountain of Pennsylvania, stretching thence southward and bounding the nice Appalachian valley on its N. and W. side, whereas the crystalline rocks of the South mountain and the Blue Ridge enclose it on the south and east. But the N. W. a part of the valley offers a powerful distinction to the remainder.