Springsteen has a behavior of writing songs for different folks, then liking them a lot he hangs on to them. Springsteen brazenly admitted that he stole the title of this song from Roy Acuff, but he liberally borrowed different elements from country music as effectively: the melody, the organ riff, and the stark brutality of the story. A fun rockabilly romp, recorded at the identical time as “Stand on It” and “Pink Cadillac.” Listen fastidiously for Professor Roy Bittan tearing it up in the background, doing his greatest Jerry Lee Lewis impression. The final named officer was now for the primary time made a member of the cabinet. The administration of the Texas query was now assumed by congress, and joint resolutions for annexing that nation to the United States as one of the states of the Union have been signed by President Tyler March 1, 1845; and his final important official act was to signal two days later the bill for the admission of Florida and Iowa into the Union.-President Polk appointed as his cabinet James Buchanan, secretary of state; Robert J. Walker, of the treasury; William L. Marcy, of war; George Bancroft, of the navy; Cave Johnson, postmaster general; and John Y. Mason, legal professional common.
All of those besides Mr. Poinsett had been members of President Jackson’s cabinet at the shut of his final term; but a number of modifications were subsequently made, James K. Paulding turning into secretary of the navy and Felix Grundy legal professional general in 1838, Henry D. Gilpin lawyer basic and John M. Niles postmaster general in 1840. The new administration commenced underneath most untoward circumstances. The popular vote for Taylor was 1,360,099 and for Cass 1,220,544.-President Taylor was inaugurated on Monday, March 5, 1849, and appointed as his cabinet John M. Clayton, secretary of state; William M. Meredith, of the treasury; George W. Crawford, of war; William B. Preston, of the navy; Thomas Ewing, of the interior (an office created by congress two days before, March 3, 1849); Jacob Collamer, postmaster basic; and Reverdy Johnson, legal professional basic. Congress by a decisive vote refused to authorize the elimination, and the president on his own duty directed the secretary of the treasury to withdraw the deposits and place them in certain state banks.
President Van Buren selected as his cabinet, John Forsyth, secretary of state; Levi Woodbury, of the treasury; Joel R. Poinsett, of struggle; Mahlon Dickerson, of the navy; B. F. Butler, legal professional basic; and Amos Kendall, postmaster common. While the compromise payments were but before congress, President Taylor died, July 9, 1850, and was succeeded by the vice president, Millard Fillmore, who quickly after reconstructed the cabinet as follows: Daniel Webster, secretary of state; Thomas Corwin, of the treasury; Charles M. Conrad, of conflict; Alexander H. H. Stuart, of the interior; William A. Graham, of the navy; Nathan K. Hall, postmaster common; and John J. Crittenden, legal professional general. Taylor meanwhile had defeated the Mexicans at Palo Alto, May 8, and at Resaca de la Palma, May 9, and on being reënforced continued the conflict by sensible victories at Monterey in September, and at Buena Vista, Feb. 23, 1847. (See Taylor, Zachary.) The conduct of the struggle was now assumed by Gen. Scott, commanding in chief. Within the whig national convention by which Gen. Taylor was nominated had been a number of delegates from the northern states representing what were referred to as “free-soil” opinions, that’s, opinions hostile to the extension of slavery; a number of of these withdrew on the rejection of a decision committing the celebration towards the introduction or existence of slavery in the territories, and subsequently separated themselves from the whig party.
Several of the southern legislatures known as upon those of the north to suppress the movement by penal enactments. A platform was adopted declaring “that the acts of congress known as the compromise measures of 1850, by making the admission of a sovereign state contingent upon the adoption of other measures demanded by the special interest of slavery, by their omission to guarantee freedom in the free territories, by their attempt to impose unconstitutional limitations on the power of congress and the individuals to admit new states, and by their invasion of the sovereignty of the states and the liberties of the folks via the enactment of an unjust, oppressive, and unconstitutional fugitive slave legislation, are proved to be inconsistent with all the principles and maxims of democracy, and wholly insufficient to the settlement of the questions of which they’re claimed to be an adjustment. On May eleven the president sent a particular message to congress declaring that “war existed by the act of Mexico,” and asking for males and money to hold it on.